“They've promised that dreams can come true but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too.”
― Oscar Wilde

Monday 24 December 2012


Chemistry. What is chemistry? The merriam-webster dictionary defines it as a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and with the transformations that they undergo. But I'm guessing they've got the wrong chemistry.
You see people talking and they say hey that couple's cute they've got great chemistry or oh they don't fit in together there's no chemistry there. But if chemistry is pure mutual attraction then who are we to judge if someone has chemistry or not?
People claim that every human is hard-wired differently. Everyone has an entirely different mind and some things are inborn, they can't be changed. Let's take sexuality for instance, scientists claim that it is something that is chosen for us and we get no say in the matter whatsoever. I believe that is a load of crap!
What if circumstances presented to you are so rigid in their tradition that you get no say in the matter, you are straight and you aren't allowed to even think otherwise for a second. If you fantasize about the same sex you are bound to burn in the everlasting flames of hell. What if the sense of morality; what is right and wrong, has been hammered into you for so long you're afraid to even try to break free of the iron chains of tradition you're caught up in. Where is this inborn sense then?
Chemistry is what you decide it is. You can pull chemistry out of thin air if you really really want to. You can wish chemistry into existence by pure will. The human nature is an amazing thing; it adapts, it changes, it flows. Nothing is inborn, you make yourself, you get to decide.

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