“They've promised that dreams can come true but forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams, too.”
― Oscar Wilde

Thursday 29 November 2012

Trust is a lie

The thing about people is when you don't trust them enough they stab you in the back because well, lets's face it why should they stand by someone who doesn't trust them. And when you do trust them enough, they'll still stab you in the back, because well you're just the bloody fool who trusted them. Both ways you're the fool who gets played. So why not play is "safer" by not giving a damn about the ones on the outside? I mean that's why we play it safe right? To protect ourselves and all that bull shit. Well maybe... but then again. Maybe some old geezer just trusts because he has faith and well faith pretty much sucks. It, like everything else eventually comes to bite you in the ass because truth be told no one will ever stand by you that loyally. Those kind of things exist solely for fairy tales, story books and pretty little movies. Because why would someone in their right minds trust or "put down faith"? We're all in it for ourselves right? We don't give a damn about anyone or anything. Just us. ME ME ME. That's our motto. Gimme more. That's our anthem. We're ravages and savages that are never satisfied. We're insatiable. Us humans, we will never be quite "full". We'll destroy our world and then find another and another and another because let's face it we're greedy little things that don't deserve even half of what's come our way. We do anything and anyone, all we want in return is a way to the top. The easier the better. The lesser work involved the better. The lesser the brains involved the better. Straight to the top. The pretty little place there you can sit peacefully like a crow and every now and then poop and the ones below you.

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